Termeni și condiții





STAVROS HOTEL – is the trade name of STAVROS GRUP SRL in Romania, represented in Romania by STAVROS GRUP SRL, Romanian legal person, having its registered office in Medgidia, Constanța County, 8 Vilcelelor, registered with the Trade Register under no. J13/660/2002, holder of the Tax No. RO14449183.

Customer – the natural/legal person who has and/or is to take possession of the Products and/or Services offered by the Seller.

Account – the section of the Website accessed via an email address and a password which allows the Customer access to the Content and which may contain information about the Customer and his/her history on the Website (orders, invoices, guarantees, etc.).

– the term refers (including but not limited to) to:
– all information on the Website that can be visited, viewed or otherwise accessed by using electronic equipment;
– the content of any email sent by the Seller to any natural or legal person by electronic means and/or any other available means of communication;
– any information communicated by any means by an employee/collaborator or partner of the Seller to the Customer, according to contact information, whether specified or not by the latter;
– information related to the Products and/or Services and/or rates charged by the Seller in a given period;
– information related to the Products and/or Services and/or rates charged by a third party with whom the Partner has concluded partnership contracts;
– data or other privileged data of the Seller.

Newsletter – means of regular information, solely electronically (e-mail or SMS) about Products and/or Services and/or promotions of the Seller carried out in a given period without any commitment from the Seller regarding the information contained therein.

Products and Services – any product or service, including the documents and services mentioned in the Account, which are to be provided or which have already been provided by the Seller to the Buyer and which are provided by STAVROS HOTEL.

Website – www.stavroshotel.ro domain and its subdomains.

User – any natural or legal person accessing the Website and/or the Content.

Seller – STAVROS HOTEL or any partner of STAVROS HOTEL who has the right in writing to market and/or promote the STAVROS HOTEL Products and/or Services.



2.1. The use of this website implies the full and unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

2.2. STAVROS HOTEL reserves the right to change or update unilaterally the Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice to the persons using the Website and the Content and cannot be held responsible in any way for the changes made. By accessing the “Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website” section of the Website, you can read, at any time, the latest version of these provisions, valid and applicable at the time of access.

2.3. The Content is property of STAVROS HOTEL. STAVROS HOTEL owns the copyright for the content and all the information and static or animated graphics thereon.


3.1. The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to define and regulate the terms of use of this Website.

3.2. STAVROS HOTEL does not guarantee in any way the continuous operation of this Website, the quality of the Website from a technical and functional point of view, independent of the will of STAVROS HOTEL. Thus, STAVROS HOTEL will not be held liable in any way for any direct or indirect damage suffered or claimed by Users resulting from the Website’s malfunctions. The Website and the Content are provided on an “as is” basis, without guarantees of any kind.

3.3. The Website can be accessed 24/7 and STAVROS HOTEL has the right to suspend or discontinue the provision of access to the Website, with immediate effect and without prior notice, in order to make updates, repairs or maintenance or in order to improve its performance, without any liability in this respect. Also, STAVROS HOTEL reserves the right to suspend, modify, add or delete, temporarily or permanently, any portions of the Website, at any time.

3.4. Access can be limited in terms of speed in maximum usage times, due to the limited processing capacity of the computer system on which the Website is hosted.

3.5. STAVROS HOTEL is not responsible for any errors in filling in the form fields available on the Website (erroneous identification of options, incorrectly entered data, etc.), regardless of the will of Stavros Hotel, and STAVROS HOTEL will not be held liable in any way for any direct or indirect damage suffered by the Users of the forms resulting from errors occurred when filling in such forms.

3.6. Stavros will make every effort to ensure the safe and private use of the Website.

3.7. In the event of abusive or unauthorized use of the Website, as well as in event of non-compliance with any of the obligations set forth herein, STAVROS HOTEL reserves the right to limit, suspend or cancel without notice the access of certain users to the Website or to certain sections of the Website. It is strictly forbidden to use computer Programs, applications and/or any other methods not approved by STAVROS HOTEL for the purpose of querying forms or generating automatic registrations or any other similar actions that are likely to affect the functionality of the Website in any way or which might be an attack on the Website.


4.1. The STAVROS HOTEL Newsletters are transmitted directly by STAVROS HOTEL and/or by STAVROS HOTEL approved specialized partners. This ensures privacy and security of information.

4.2. When the Customer creates an Account and/or fills in a form on the Website, he/she may agree to receive the Newsletter. The option regarding the agreement of the Customer may be modified at any time by contacting STAVROS HOTEL for this purpose.

4.3. The Customer and/or any person receiving this Newsletter may opt out of the Newsletters by using the special dedicated link from any Newsletters or by using any of the contact methods described in the Contact section of the Website.

4.4. Opting out of the Newsletters does not imply waiving acceptance of any other agreed terms and conditions.



5.1. The Content, as defined in article 1, including but not limited to: logos, trade symbols, stylized representations, static images, dynamic images, text and/or multimedia content presented on the Website, are the exclusive property of STAVROS HOTEL, which directly or indirectly reserves all rights (through use and/or publication licenses).

5.2. The user is not allowed to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to third parties, modify and/or alter, use, link to, display, incorporate any Content in any context other than the original one intended by STAVROS HOTEL, to remove the signs which indicate the copyright of STAVROS HOTEL in the Content, or to participate in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made by reproducing, modifying or displaying the Content, except with express written consent of STAVROS HOTEL.

5.3. The Customer may only copy, transfer and/or use the Content for personal or non-commercial purposes only if they do not conflict with the provisions set forth.

5.4. If STAVROS HOTEL grants a Customer or a partner/collaborator the right to use certain content, this right extends only to that content or those contents defined in the agreement only during its/their existence on the website or during the period defined in the agreement, in accordance with the conditions defined in the agreement.

5.5. No Content transmitted to the Customer by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or acquired by accessing, visiting and/or viewing is a contractual obligation of STAVROS HOTEL and/or of the employee or attorney-in-fact of STAVROS HOTEL who mediated the transfer of Content, if any, with respect to that Content.

5.6. Any use of the Content is forbidden for purposes other than those expressly allowed by the Terms and Conditions or those expressed in a use agreement, if any, between the content user and STAVROS HOTEL.

5.7. Any information of any kind provided by the Users and/or Customer to the Seller will remain the property of the Seller.

5.8. No public statement, promotion, press release, or any other disclosure to third parties will be made by the Customer with respect to any information received from the Seller or related to the Seller without the prior written consent of the Seller.

5.9. By transmitting information or materials through this Website, the Seller has unrestricted and irrevocable access to them, the right to use, reproduce, display, modify, transmit and distribute such material or information, and the Users and/or Customers agree that the Seller may freely use, for his own benefit, those ideas, concepts, knowledge, information or techniques transmitted through the Website. STAVROS HOTEL will not be subject to obligations regarding the privacy of the information being transmitted, unless otherwise specified by the legislation in force.



6.1. In accordance with Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, STAVROS HOTEL has the obligation to administer safely and only for the specified purposes, the personal data that the Users provide upon accessing the Content, and/or the Website.

6.2. 6.2. Any person accessing the Content and/or the Website and providing personal data or information through them expressly agrees that his/her personal data will be processed:

I) for marketing purposes (including direct marketing) consisting of communications about future projects or services of STAVROS HOTEL by email, text messaging (SMS), telephone call, mail or other means of direct communication;

II) to enable STAVROS HOTEL to improve products and services, as well as to manage the relationship with its customers;

III) to conduct market studies;

IV) to enable STAVROS HOTEL to conduct other activities, permitted by law, which are not subject to separate express approval from the user.

6.3. Based on a written, dated and signed request sent to: Romania, Medgidia, 8 Vilcelelor Street, STAVROS GRUP S.R.L., you can exercise your right of intervention with respect to data: rectification, updating, anonymization, deletion of data whose processing is inconsistent with Law 677/2001 or notifying the third parties to whom the data have been disclosed if such notification is not impossible or does not involve a disproportionate effort to the legitimate interest that might be harmed.

6.4. Also, STAVROS HOTEL may provide the Buyer personal data to other companies with which it has partnered up, but only on the basis of a privacy commitment from them to ensure that such data are kept secure and that such personal information is provided under the applicable law, as follows: providers of marketing, courier, payment/banking services, telemarketing or other services provided by companies with whom the Seller may develop joint programs for the marketing of Products and/or Services of STAVROS HOTEL, insurers, agencies or state or governmental associations when specific legislation so provides.


According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as amended and supplemented, and of Law no. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, Stavros Grup SRL has the obligation to administer safely and only for the specified purposes, the personal data that you provide to us about you, a member of your family or another person. The purpose of data collection is to include these data in tax documents issued by the company in accordance with the law and to provide information to you. In the event of an order, you are required to provide the above mentioned data, which are necessary to contact you, to be able to issue the transaction documents and to be able to deliver your order. Your refusal leads to the impossibility of processing your order. The registered information is intended for use by the controller and is only communicated to the following recipients: the courier company delivering the products, the company providing the service for the products requiring home installation and the manufacturing company in case of extensions of the warranty that the manufacturer gives directly to the end customer. If you want to receive information about the products, services, events, etc. offered by Stavros Grup SRL it is necessary to tick the subscription box to the newsletter in your account at www.stavroshotel.ro. If you later wish to opt out of receiving communications from Stavros Grup SRL, please unsubscribe by using the unsubscribe link in each newsletter. According to Law no. 677/2001, you have the right to access, to intervene, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to address the courts. You also have the right to object the processing of your personal data and to request the deletion of the data. In order to exercise these rights, you can send a written, dated and signed request to the address of the company that can be found on the contact page. However, it should be noted that, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force, your personal data cannot be deleted from the financial, tax and management documents issued by the company, this processing being mandatory, and Law no. 677/2001 provides for the exclusion of the right of objection in this case. If any of your data is incorrect, please inform us as soon as possible.



8.1. Neither party shall be liable for non-performance of contractual obligations if such failure to perform the obligations in due time and/or appropriately, in whole or in part, is due to a force majeure event. Force majeure is the unpredictable event which is beyond the control of the parties and which cannot be avoided.

8.2. If within 15 (fifteen) days from its occurrence, that event does not cease, each party shall have the right to notify the other party of the cessation by operation of law of all contractual obligations without any party claiming damages.



The parties will settle amicably any disputes that may arise, failing which they will address the courts at the supplier’s registered office.